Filtračná zásuvka Antlia T2-T2 21mm
Filtračná zásuvka umožňuje výmenu filtra v priebehu niekoľkých sekúnd a je kompaktnou alternatívou filtračného kolesa s veľkými možnosťami rozšírenia. Čítať ďalej

Do mesiaca

133 €

Kód tovaru: AFST2-T2

Výrobca: Antlia


Antlia modular filter drawer for astrophotography

The modular filter drawers from Antlia impress with their very good workmanship. The filters are brought into the light path very precisely. The CNC machining also guarantees optimal star images with very fast telescopes. The filter drawer is an exciting alternative to heavy filter wheels that weigh many times more.

The filter drawer offers professional adjustment options:
A ... Four screws for mounting and 360° rotation of the telescope-side connection adapter;
B ... Two screws for mechanical fixation of the filter holder (only useful if the filter is to remain permanently in the drawer);
D ... Four screws for mounting and 360° rotation of the camera-side connection adapter;
E ... Two magnets that fix the position of the filter holder

Applications of the Antlia filter drawer:
Deep sky astrophotography: L-RGB imaging, false color imaging, contrast enhancement by nebula filters with mono or color astro cameras and DSLR.
Planetary observation and planetary imaging: Quickly change color filters to enhance contrast effects. In photography, the images can be combined well later.
Deep sky observation: The impressions without filter, with UHC filter, O-III filter and other filters can be compared directly. This way you always get the maximum details out of the observed object!

One of the most versatile filter drawer systems on the market:
There is hardly a drawer system that is so modular and can grow with your requirements, your telescope or your camera. Even different filter sizes are no problem for the Antlia filter drawer. You can expand your drawer almost at will:
T-... Telescope side adapters from T2 to M68 and 2"
C-... Camera side adapters from T2 to M68 and 2"
B-... Filter holder for 1.25", 2" and of course unmounted filters


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Filtračná zásuvka Antlia T2-T2 21mm
Filtračná zásuvka Antlia T2-T2 21mm

133 €

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